Radio Alert Systems can select and supply digital handheld radios from a range of suppliers

We supply and maintain digital two-way radio systems for a wide range of industries including Construction, Education, Hospitality, Manufacturing, retail and Waste Management. 

Typical Digital Mobile Radio functions


Ensure a smooth transition from analogue to digital with dual mode functionality.


Be heard anywhere with background noise cancellation, ensuring clarity wherever you go.


Text messaging functionality with a one-touch feature for pre-programmed text messages and voice calls.


Make the right call - individual, group or broadcast on all digital channels.


Stay safe at all times with Lone Worker, Man Down, Emergency Alarm and GPS positioning options.


Digital Mobile Radio

Digital radio can offer enhanced performance with wide coverage, longer battery life, clear, crisp audio, and the ability to call a single individual as well as an entire a group.

Digital two-way radios communicate using digital signals instead of the analog modulation that traditional 2-way radios employ. This modern approach offers a number of benefits including privacy features and some advanced features that are not possible with analog radios.

DMR Radio (Digital Mobile Radio) is an open digital radio standard outlined by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). DMR has received global recognition as a technology that brings voice, data and a range of other features and applications in both conventional and trunking modes.

Product Range






As a premium member of the DMR Association, Hytera has mastered this technology. All Hytera DMR radio products fully meet the ETSI DMR requirements and feature innovative applications.

DMR stands for Digital Mobile Radio - an open digital radio standard. DMR has received global recognition as a technology that combines voice, data, features & applications. Digital Mobile Radio is available in three "tiers" - loosely translated as levels of complexity. Tier I is licence-free, Tier II is licensed conventional, while Tier III is trunked, meaning that frequencies and channel capacity can be pooled and shared between users.

Thanks to the DMR standard, Hytera DMR radios work with any other compliant system. But what sets Hytera apart is the breadth of range and feature set across Hytera's DMR radios. From the light & compact PD3 series - designed for ease of use in indoor environments - to the impermeable, explosion-proof PD795Ex - there's a radio for everyone. Hytera are connecting people everywhere - improving safety & productivity along the way.


From the PD3 right up to the PD9 series, Hytera's Digital Mobile Radios are built for the real world - designed for the people using them. They often require minimal training and are intuitive to use.


Hytera's DMR radios look good, but they're also built to last. All of our radios take the rough with the smooth, helping you communicate wherever you go.



ICOM offer a digital 2-way radio solution called IDAS (ICOM Digital Advanced System). This is capable of analogue, digital or digital/analogue mixed-mode operation.

This enables the user to receive either analogue and digital-mode signals on a single channel. Mixed-mode operation is a great benefit, as there is no need to buy a complete system outright. This allows you to migrate form analogue to digital at your own financial pace, an important consideration in the current economic climate.

There is nothing wrong with purchasing analogue radios, they will be around for some considerable time. But there is a clear business case for digital business radio. As well as future proofing your communication needs, ICOM digital radios are incredibly spectrum efficient, doubling the number of potential users on the traditional current channel capacity of 12.5 kHz. In addition, ICOM IDAS radios feature outstanding audio quality and superb noise-cancelling properties.

When comparing digital with analogue, the audio quality of analogue gradually deteriorates with static noise as the distance increases, whereas a digital system provides stable audio for longer than analogue, right until the very edge of the communication range.



Kenwood offer a range of Innovative multi-protocol solutions.

In line with its technology and protocol neutral stance, Kenwood's digital line-up has been significantly expanded and now includes the revolutionary, NX-5000 Series which brings dual FDMA and TDMA technology, multi-protocol DMR, NEXEDGE NXDN capability and unsurpassed interoperability to a wide variety of applications as it supports analogue FM and two different digital protocols concurrently in a single radio.

The NX-3000 Series takes many of the advanced features and capabilities of the mission critical NX-5000 Series to business and commercial users in a cost-effective, multi-protocol radio in either DMR plus FM Analogue or NEXEDGE NXDN plus FM Analogue configurations; which makes the NX-3000 Series an ideal solution for those migrating from analogue to digital as users can switch to and from DMR + FM Analogue or NXDN (trunking and conventional) + FM Analogue operation at any time as their needs evolve or change over time.




Contact Radio Alert Systems to discuss your requirements or request a quotation.

Radio Alert Systems can supply equipment from most major manufacturers at competitive costs - single handsets to complete communications systems.